■Assignment operator
a = 3;
b = “This is a test”;
c = {“One”, 2, True};
MyContext.a = “Test”;
MyArray[0] = “Another test”;
@Summary = “Node ” + @Node + ” not responding”;
■Mathematic operators
+ 足す
- 引く
* かける
/ 割る
% 係数
a = 1 + 2;
b = 4 – 3;
c = 6 * 4;
d = 6 / 4;
e = 8 % 5;
■Comparison operators
< Less than > Greater than
== Equal to
<= Less than or equal to >= Greater than or equal to
!= Not equal to
LIKE Performs a comparison using Perl 5 regular expressions
If ((a >= 4) || (b <= 3)) ... If ((a == "Test") && (b != "Test")) ... If (a LIKE "New York.*") ... ■Boolean operators || OR && AND ! NOT 例: If ((a == 4) || (b <= 3)) ... If ((a = "Test") && (b != "Test")) ... If (!MyBool) ... ■String operators 例: MyArray = {}; MyString = 'test'; MyArray = MyArray + MyString; This will add MyString as a new element to the Array. Also in an Array you can remove an element using the Subtraction operator. If you do the following: MyArray = {test, test2}; MyString = 'test'; MyArray = MyArray - MyString; log(MyArray); ↑この結果、logにより配列MyArrayはtest2だけ表示される。 大切な人へのXmasプレゼントに「月の土地」